Are Two Dogs Better Than One? Everything You Need to Know Before Getting Your Second Pup
Training, Second Dog Advice Maggie Emory Training, Second Dog Advice Maggie Emory

Are Two Dogs Better Than One? Everything You Need to Know Before Getting Your Second Pup

So, the puppy fever is coming on strong huh? It’s okay, it happens to the best of us. A lot of you may think the idea of Sadie was kind of out of the blue. But she has actually been in the plan all along. We always knew we wanted to get a second dog, and a best friend for Finley but we didn’t exactly know when.

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Pros & Cons Of Owning an Australian Shepherd
New Puppy Maggie Emory New Puppy Maggie Emory

Pros & Cons Of Owning an Australian Shepherd

If you read our “Get to Know Us” post, then you know I’ve been obsessed with Australian Shepherds for most of my life and always knew it would be the breed I would be getting first when it came to owning my own dog. They are in my personal opinion, the *best* breed to ever exist. Yet, Australian Shepherds are not for everyone.

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